Kindness Week 2020


The purpose of Kindness Week goes beyond simply five days where students can wear somewhat free dress…instead, Kindness Week is meant to be a continuous celebration of kindness and random acts that help us and others feel appreciated.

Kindness Week Spirit Days

Spirt days, no doubt, are fun for a lot of our students! I see our kids so excited to get to show their personalities and wear something other than their traditional uniform. Making this a time to bring everyone together can be incredibly powerful because it is an opportunity to learn together and to get to know each other on a more personal level. Below are some ideas on how to connect the spirit days that some of our learners participated in…these activities can be done continuously and long after Kindness Week is over:

  • Superhero Day: ask students how they were someone’s superhero this week…help them understand that superheroes do not always have superhuman power, instead, superheroes can be people who help others feel their best
    • I was a superhero today by __________.
  • Let Kindness Shine: host a trust circle where everyone reflects on how they let their kindness shine, encourage everyone to share what they did and take a moment to realize how that made someone else feel as well as how the act made them feel
    • I was kind by ______. This made me feel _____. I think this made the other person feel _____.
  • Sports Jersey: for your students who are interested in sports and even those who are not, reflect on how most sports rely on team building and trust, discuss how these qualities help teams be successful
    • When we work together, I notice that _______.
  • Backward Day: talk about how words that hurt continue to hurt long after they are said; discuss strategies that can help others walk away and reflect instead of saying something hurtful in the moment
    • Instead of saying something hurtful, I can ______.

These spirit days can be continuous topics of discussion because they are ways that we can build stronger relationships and help show kindness to others.

Going Beyond Just the Week of Kindness

Kindness Week is not meant to be just a week where we are kind to others then move forward without any reflection on our actions or any changes to our communication strategies. When we can make kindness a regular habit, we can deepen existing relationships and lift others up with our words and actions. How powerful would it be if we all worked together to continuously point out, reflect, and celebrate those actions of kindness? Focusing on the positive interactions cannot undo the hurtful ones, but it can help us be in the habit of resorting to kindness instead of negativity.

So, don’t forget to be the “i” in KIND! C3DAB380-93EE-44EB-9AA4-D2311F14263B_1_105_c



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